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Health Benefits

Garlic chives are a mild antibiotic; rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They have also been known to improve heart health, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, strengthen bones, aid urinary problems, and act as a mild laxative and appetite stimulant.


Chives are native to both Europe and Asia and grows wild across both regions (with slight variations). Medieval gardeners planted chives around the borders of their garden for decoration and to ward off insects. It is also believed that chives were also used to divert evil spirits.

Recipes to Try

How to Store

Garlic chives will keep up to one week. Store chives in the refrigerator, stored in a plastic bag or loosely in a paper or cloth towel. Wait to clean them until just before using and keep dry during storage. There are several options for freezing your chives: You can freeze them in a pesto, chop and flash freeze them on a baking tray, press chopped chives into ice cube trays, or bunch whole chives and roll them into a log to bind and freeze.

How to Prepare

Rinse chives under cool water and let air dry, or pat them dry with paper towels. Gather a small handful and line up the ends of one side so they are fairly even. You can bind the stems with a rubber band to hold them together. Hold the chives over a cutting board and snip with kitchen scissors, about 1/8 inch wide. You can also chop them with a sharp knife, making sure not to run your knife back and forth over the leaves, but quickly slicing them instead.

Ways to Enjoy

Garlic chives are a great companion for many dishes, including: dairy, fish, potatoes, eggs, soups, and salads. Chives are also delicious combined in seasoning blends, vinaigrettes, butters, tempuras and pestos. Try stir-frying garlic chives, stuffing them into dumplings, or tossing them in a pasta dish.

Health Benefits

Garlic chives are a mild antibiotic; rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They have also been known to improve heart health, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, strengthen bones, aid urinary problems, and act as a mild laxative and appetite stimulant.

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