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Active, Independent, Curious


Recognized Color Varieties

  • Golden

  • Silver

Breed Traits

Sebrights are rare as they are difficult to maintain and to breed. They have a problem with fertility. Raising chicks is also difficult as the mortality rate is usually high and they are especially prone to Mareks.


Although the rose comb, wattles, and earlobes used to deep purple in color, they have changed to a more standard deep red color. Earlobes are purplish red, but turquoise is also accepted by the APA. They have brown eyes and slate blue legs. Sebrights must not know of their small size in comparison, as they stand tall and walk with a forward chest and head held high. Full grown Sebrights will weigh anywhere from 18-22 ounces. Males are hen feathered, meaning they lack the usually distinguishing sickle, hackle, or tail feathers.


This breed is abundantly sweet, and is usually kept for this reason, not for egg production. They are happy, curious, and content with any living situation. They do well with other breeds, and can tolerate containment if necessary. If you can provide Sebrights with space to roam, ensure the fences are high as they are excellent fliers.

Breed History

Sebrights are a true bantam breed, named after their creator Sir John Saunders Sebright. A true bantam is a chicken that does not have a standard or large size of its kind. It took Sir Sebright over thirty years to create a true bantam with laced feathering. When he was finished, he created a club for his creation in 1810, although no one knows what stock he used to create them. Sir Sebright was admired by Charles Darwin for his exceptional breeding ability, and cited him in many of his works. The Sebright is a perfect example of Sir Sebright’s exceptionalism.

Quick Facts

Peak Egg Production

Poor: Approx 50

Egg Size


Egg Color


Tolerant of Confinement


Cold Hardy


Heat Tolerant




American Poultry Association

Rose Comb Clean Legged Bantams

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